(Orbit definition, surface coverage, visibility windows, eclipse calculation, etc.)
Note that this is the *user* repository.
A *developper* repository is accessible [here](
## Pre-requisites
- Operating system: `Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64-bit` environment.
- docker and docker-compose have to be available in the user environment.
- The VTS/Prestoplot additional libraries have been installed by ISAE Administrators (see the "VTS additional libraries" paragraph below)
To check the installed version of the operating sytem, in a terminal, enter the following command line:
To install `docker`, in a terminal, enter the following command lines:
sudo apt-get install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg-agent \
To install `docker-compose`, in a terminal, enter the following command lines.
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
sudo apt-get install docker-compose
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker
sudo systemctl restart docker
sudo chown $USER /var/run/docker.sock
### 4) Check docker installation
To check if those additional libraries/packages are available, run the following commands:
apt-cache show libpng12-0
apt-cache show gcc-multilib
apt-cache show libx11-6:i386
__If one of those packages is missing, you have to:__
- Either call an ISAE Administrator (see the, or look into the shortened installation instructions below),
- Or if you are familiar with installing software through the apt tool, you can install the needed packages yourself:
sudo apt install gcc-multilib
sudo apt install libx11-6:i386
mkdir src
tar Jxfv libpng_1.2.54.orig.tar.xz
cd libpng-1.2.54
sudo make install
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
The procedure to install `JSatOrb` in the user environment is described below.
1) Download JSatOrb user installation archive called `JSatOrb_latest.tar.gz` from [Package Registry menu]( and unzip the archive in __the user home directory__ (i.e. /home/[username]), with the following command:
2) Go into the `JSatOrb` folder of the uncompressed archive,
cd ~/JSatOrb/
3) Launch the `jsatorb-load-docker-images.bash` script in a terminal. It installs the JSatOrb Docker images in the local repository.
At this point, three Docker images are ready to be deployed... but wait a little before launching them!
### 2) IMPORTANT: Configuring Firefox to associate JSatOrb Agent with VZ files
__Learn about the following information before launching JSatorb's GUI.__
The first time the user will ask JSatOrb to produce a compressed file to be open in VTS, Firefox will not recognize the downloaded JSatOrb file format and will show the "Save or Open With..." popup dialog.
It is important to follow correctly the process described below on the first occurence of this case, as it may be more difficult to correct the Firefox configuratin afterward.
__This process has to be done only once and for all.__
When the Firefox "Save or Open With..." popup dialog opens the first time you want to displey JSatOrb data into the VTS software:
- select "Software" in the "Open with..." part of the dialog,
- check the "always perform this action for this file type",
- confirm.

Firefox will open the VZ file with the Software program in a separate window, which is not what we want, but now, we have to do the following steps:
- Close the "Software" window,
- Open the Firefox preferences (Main menu>Preferences),
- Go to the applications list (of the General tab),
- An entry should contain:
- content type: application/vnd+cssi.vtsproject+zip type
- Action: Use Software
- Edit the asssociated action,
- Browse to your [home]/JSatOrb/JSatOrbAgent folder,
- Select the jsatorb-agent executable,
- Confirm.

__Now, VZ files produced by JSatOrb will be open by the JSatOrb Agent and forwarded to VTS.__
## Launching JSatOrb
Now, to start JSatOrb, the user only has to:
3.1) Run the `jsatorb-start.bash` script in a terminal :
bash jsatorb-start.bash
3.2) Open a Web browser and navigate to the URL: [http://localhost](http://localhost).
If it's not launching, hight probability is an incorrect docker right setting, see below.
3.3) The JSatOrb GUI should now displays in the navigator.
__Remark: The mission data sets saved by the user thanks to the JSatOrb GUI are store in the ```/home/[username]/JSatOrb/mission-data/``` folder.__
At this time, a browser should be running (as well as 3 docker container)
To use JSatOrb:
1) In the browser at address http://localhost/, enter Time Settings (top left) for TLE in `Time Settings` box by selecting a `Starting date`, an `Ending Date` (for example, choose 8600 seconds between start and end datetime) and a `Step Time` of 60 seconds.
2) Click on `import celestrak TLE` (top right).
3) In filter, write "iridium" and pick the first satellite appearing (check box activated)
4) Click on `Validate TLE Selection`, the selected satellite should appear in `Satellites list` on left menu.
5) Click on `<` top right (going back to Cesium viewer)
6) Click on `Run mission Analysis`
7) Interact with Cesium viewer (hold right click to turn around, hold left click to zoom in/out, accelerate or hold simulation, move in time...)
From this point, you can modify name of the satellite, their TLE, add more satellites, define your own satellite. - little pen on satellite Name, in TLE list.
Be sure to stay in TLE mode (there is not yet inter-compatibility with Keplerian mode, even at the end, data is the same !)
enjoy !
This command line will stop in a clean way the docker containers:
bash jsatorb-stop.bash
If nothing happens when trying to visualize JSatOrb data with the VTS software, here are some tips in order to overcome the issue.
The JSatOrb Agent logs can provide useful information when the VTS visualization doesn't work.
The logs are to be found in __`/home/[username]/JSatOrb/JSatOrbAgent/jsatorb-agent.log`__.
A possible issue is that the VTS additional libraries have not been installed in your environment, with a similar message as below:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
If it's the case, see the paragraph below to resolve this issue.
### HotFix for frontend:
changed API
docker stop jsatorb-frontend-container
docker rm jsatorb-frontend-container
docker run -p 80:80 -d --name jsatorb-frontend-fix-container
docker build . -t jsatorb-frontend:hotFix
docker build . -t jsatorb-frontend:hotFix
docker run -p 80:80 -it --rm jsatorb-frontend-luplink:hotfix
--> exec('/home/$USER/Utils/celestlabx/loader.sce', -1)