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measure "inbreeding" for multiple recoding scenarii

STEVAN Antoine requested to merge improve-inbreeding-measurements into main

this MR is two-fold

  • refactor and from scripts/inbreeding/ into Nushell modules with --options as argument instead of (a7cebb95, 6b72191f and 5f1c4963)
  • introduce another level of depth to the measurements (a0e52e95)

💡 Note
in the table below

  • s is the number of recoding scenarii averages together
  • m is the number of measurements per point
  • two iterations of the same experiment are shown side by side for comparison
s m . .
1 10 inbreeding_1_10.1 inbreeding_1_10.2
1 100 inbreeding_1_100.1 inbreeding_1_100.2
1 1000 inbreeding_1_1000.1 inbreeding_1_1000.2
10 100 inbreeding_10_100.1 inbreeding_10_100.2
100 10 inbreeding_100_10.1 inbreeding_100_10.2
100 100 inbreeding_100_100.1 inbreeding_100_100.2

we can see that

  • the smaller the s, the more different the two figures are on each line -> this is likely due to the fact that, if only one recoding scenario is used, then repeating the same experiment will result in very different results and measurements. Running the same experiment s times and averaging helps reducing the variance along this axis
  • the smaller the m, the more noisy the measures of each points -> this is simply because, when m is small, the variance of the empirical means measured for each point is higher

final results

inbreeding inbreeding_100_100_1

Edited by STEVAN Antoine

Merge request reports