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nanostar / nanospace / nanospace-user
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
creme-cubesat / Data Exchange Protocol
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
daep / dl-surrogate-acoustic-scattering
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A deep learning auto-regressive method is trained to learn the acoustic propagation in presence of obstacles. The method is flexible to account for both far-fields prediction (non-reflecting cases) as well as duct acoustics (non-reflecting BCs).
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awesome_ros2_tutorials is a gitlab project who containt the docs, and the packages for taking in hand ros2 in the isae autonomous platform.
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Copy of the original CREME project scripts. This copy is used to learn the functioning of the original simulations and modify it.
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In this repository, you can find information about the tool Model-based to Design Matrix (MB2DM) which is for the creation of design structure matrices from SysML models.
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Projet public mettant à disposition l’exécutable d'installation
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JSatorb-dev / celestrak-json-proxy
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
daep / Neurasim
MIT LicenseUpdated